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Det psykiske adfærdscenter i hjernen:: Kuren mod PTSD - Psykopati – Angst – Depression – Adgang til en højere menneskelig intelligens i hjernen.


An introduction to the research task. – The Human behavior of the brain.

The research task itself differs from other research tasks or other knowledge material as the reader does not have access to all three behavioral systems in the brain from which the research has been developed. therefore, I will make parallel comparisons of the mental data types and the psychic data type connected to the psychic data form in the research task with already documented and published physical data by the physical data types where we have 100% the same content of scientific empirical data with the same setup in the data structure and with the same learning process connected which e.g., start from the age of 0 by the child by the physical data form. Here the child needs to go through the similar learning process again for the psychic data form in the external mental contrast using same scientific method and tools.

 The very purpose of the research tasks is that all people can have full access to their learning abilities in the brain with a high empathic emotional understanding of each other along with the ability to shut a harmful feeling down in the brain. Some of the tools we will get acquainted with here in the research task are not previously known by any previous research which also means that we will get acquainted with new synonyms connected to these tools and concepts that the reader is not previously acquainted with here we will have linked an explanation process with physical models of the tools in the brain in research task. 

By the construction of the buildup of the psychic tools with different setups of psychic data in the brain by each personality types there it would require that there be other researchers who had access to the mental behavior center in the brain that I could refer my content of scientific psychic data to as source reference.

I myself have named the positive guideline, the negative guideline, and the psychic relationship that is connected to the psychic contrast i.e., acquires us the ability to define the psychic data form in the brain where we can achieve a 100% emotional and an emphatic emotional comprehension ability of the psychic data type, the mental data types and physical data type which belongs to a very easy learning ability.

I can, though write and draw these data and objects down in a physical context so, our two personality types without access to the mental behavior center in the brain now can receive the data in the external contrast which is the physical critical sense which does not have the ability to define and separate the psychic data from each other with separate physical object attach in the brain. This process is 100% the same process as how the non-empathic personality learns the behavior pattern and pattern of action with a psychic and physical data type connected since it cannot define, process, and separate this data type in the brain in separate levels here it has to learn the behavior from the external contrast.

So, it relays on the emphatic person to define and separate both data types by the behavior pattern and the action pattern in a physical context connected to a data form by a living object or a death objects.


Depending on what type of personality type we belong to also determines which one of the guidelines it is we need to construct in our brain if we are a personality type that forms relationships, then it is the negative guideline with the defense mechanism evil we must construct  and if we are a personality who do not form relationship, then it is the positive guideline with the defense mechanism goodness we must construct where one now will gain access to the psychic critical sense, psychic contrast with the psychic relationship.



Brain: Learning skills/ Comprehension to a data type with data areas.

Empathic personality           

Positive guideline - Defence mechanism goodness.

Non-Empathic personality Negative guideline - Defence mechanism evil. (Psychopath)


Empathic personality with high human intelligence.

Internal physical contrast.

Physical critical sense.

Physical critical sense.

Physical critical sense

Empathic physical behavior.

Positive guideline Defence mechanism goodness. Or psychic contrast, psychic relationship.

Can achieve a 100% emotional. and empathic emotional comprehension.

Designed learning ability.

Database system childhood.

100% short-comprehension.

No empathic emotional levels connected.

Can achieve a 100% emotional and empathic emotional comprehension.

Designed learning ability.

Non-empathic physical behavior

with the meaning evil (A lot of Different tools can be used).

Can achieve a 100% emotional comprehension.

Designed learning ability.

Can achieve a 100% emotional comprehension.

Designed learning ability.

Can achieve a 100% emotional comprehension.

Designed learning ability.

The pattern of behavior and the pattern of action.

 Guideline emotion and guideline disease or psychic relationship.

Can achieve a 100% emotional and empathic emotional comprehension.

Designed learning ability.

External contrast:

Physical critical sense: Can achieve a 100% comprehension ability.

Can achieve a 100% emotional and empathic emotional comprehension.

Designed learning ability.

Internal psychic contrast.

Psychic critical sense.

Psychic critical sense.

Psychic critical sense.

Empathic mental behavior.   

Positive guideline -Defence mechanism goodness. Or psychic contrast, psychic relationship.

Can achieve a 100% emotional and empathic emotional comprehension.

Designed learning ability.

Database system childhood.

100% short-comprehension.

No empathic emotional levels connected..

Can achieve a 100% emotional and empathic emotional comprehension.

Designed learning ability.

Non-empathic mental behavior.

Negative guideline - Defence mechanism evil. Or the psychic contrast, psychic relationship.

External contrast: Shot term comprehension. Physical critical sense: Can achieve 60% understanding

Can achieve a 100% emotional comprehension.

Designed learning ability.

Can achieve a 100% emotional comprehension.

Designed learning ability.

Psychic data form: emphatic emotional/emotional level. Psychic behavior, psychic actions, psychic object. (Psychic contrast with the psychic relationship).

External contrast:

Physical critical sense: Can achieve a 60% comprehension ability.

Database system childhood.

100% short-comprehension.

No empathic emotional levels connected.

Can achieve a 100% emotional and empathic emotional comprehension.

Designed learning ability.



The research itself comes with an upgrade of the brain of all personality types over the age of 16 to a personality type with a high human intelligence, where we get access to link a designed learning ability to the psychic data form by a psychic, a mental and a physical data type. This very easy learning ability the semi empathic personality type with the positive guideline with defense mechanism goodness already has access to in the brain in processing the physical data form in its logical comprehension ability in the brain.


Overview of the internal contrast of the Brain: Learning skills/ Comprehension to a data type.

Empathic personality

Positive guideline - Defence mechanism goodness

Non-Empathic personality Negative guideline - Defence mechanism evil

Mental behavioral center.

Empathic personality with a high human intelligence.

The external physical contrast or the external mental contrast.

Physical critical sense.

No emotional assessment.

Physical critical sense.

No emotional assessment.

Physical critical sense.

Emotional assessment.

Physical behavior/ physical action / Physical objects.

Can achieve a 100% comprehension.

Can achieve a 100% comprehension.

Can achieve a 100% emotional comprehension.

Mental behavior/Psychic action/ psychic objects. (Very difficult and a difficult learning ability).

Can achieve a 60% comprehension.

Can achieve a 60% comprehension.

Can achieve a 100% emotional comprehension.

Internal physical contrast. Physical, limited psychic, mental data type.

Physical critical sense.

Physical data form.

Physical critical sense.

Physical data form.

Physical critical sense.

Physical data form.

Empathic physical behavior.

Can achieve a 100% emotional comprehension.

-Database system childhood.

100% short-comprehension.

Can achieve a 100% emotional comprehension.

Non-empathic physical behavior.

Can achieve a 100% emotional comprehension.

Can achieve a 100% emotional comprehension.

Can achieve a 100% emotional comprehension.

The pattern of behavior and the pattern of action.

Can achieve a 100% emotional comprehension.

-Not access.

Can achieve a 100% emotional comprehension.

Internal psychic contrast.

Physical, psychic, mental data type.

Psychic critical sense.

Psychic data form.

Psychic critical sense.

Psychic data form.

Psychic critical sense.

Psychic data form.

Empathic mental behavior.        - Positive guideline.

Can achieve a 100% emotional comprehension.

-Database system childhood.

100% short-comprehension

Can achieve a 100% emotional comprehension.

Non-empathic mental behavior.   Negative guideline.


Can achieve a 100% emotional comprehension.

Can achieve a 100% emotional comprehension.

Psychic data form: Emphatic emotional/emotional level, Psychic behavior /Psychic action/ psychic objects. (Very easy learning ability).


-Database system childhood.

100% short-comprehension.

No empathic emotional levels connected.

Can achieve a 100% emotional comprehension.

Psychic contrast with the psychic relationship



The behavioral center the research itself offers access to in one’s brain I have named the mental behavioral center which consists of two guidelines, however, we must construct one of the guidelines on our own first before we can access the mental behavioral center in our brain. The contrast between these two guidelines has linked the psychic relationship as I have named it to which is generated based on the value level which is the behavior the two defense mechanisms create when they are put together through a contrast.

§   Psychic behavioral system. - Psychic contrast with the psychic relationship.


The psychic critical sense couple to the psychic contrast with the psychic relationship is our designed psychic learning skills by the psychic data form in the brain where we get the empathic emotional levels, emotional levels, psychic objects, and physical objects couple on the psychic action and the physical action.

The psychic data structure with the psychic data form’s ability when connected with the child’s tools in the internal contrast of the child’s brain by the one it has formed a relationship with and the personality with the mental behavior center tools in the internal mental contrast of the brain by the overall human behavior.


The psychic data structure with the physical data form’s ability when connected with the tools in the internal contrast of the child’s brain to a human object it has formed a relationship to, or to the internal physical contrast of an empathic personality with positive guideline, or a former personality with the positive guideline which has been upgraded to a personality with the mental behavior center in the brain.